
While you were away...

There appears to have been some kind of explosion in the CAL pumpkin patch while I was away on vacation. I'm still working my way through all of the new pictures, but here are just a few of the new pumpkins that caught my eye!

I'm really drawn to the pumpkins with personality and the first two featured pumpkins just reek of awesomeness:

Frankenpumpkin by Okwat
By Greenpixey
My fellow designer, Anita, just keeps astounding me with the details she's been adding to her pumpkins. Check out this fall pumpkin:

By Anita
Some folks are really putting together some magazine-quality photo compositions with their finished pumpkins too. Onihook (I think her name is Eileen?) photographed her pumpkin with a real, live, cousin!

By Onihook
I also love this group on the fence by Veejm79:

By Veejm79
I have a secret love for variegated yarn, but not much opportunity to use it (variegated amigurumi characters often don't turn out well). But, these variegated pumpkins are just AMAZING!

By Lstein0

By Kimmzy
All in all, there is just some incredible talent popping up all over the pumpkin patch and I am SO excited to be a part of it!

Keep your eyes open for the next CAL lesson (I'm battling the flu right now, but am hoping to get something posted by the end of the weekend) and keep up the amazing work!


  1. I hope you feel better soon!!
    I've loved making my pumpkins and seeing everyone else's as well!

  2. Everyone is really whippin' out some great pumpkins! And yep, they're takin' some great pics too!

    Great job everyone!!!

    Anita ♥

  3. wow what an amazing response, i bet you are so pleased. Too bad you are ill but still managing to blog, get well soon

  4. Hey all -- thanks for the get well wishes! I'm feeling more like myself today and hoping the sun will cooperate this afternoon so I can get those Halloween items loaded into my Etsy shop.

    @Cheesy - You're not too late to join the crochet-along -- just too late to get the free pattern. If you still want to join in, visit the Pumpkin Patch tab ( http://itsybitsyspidercrochet.blogspot.com/p/pumpkin-patch.html ) and find out how you can get a copy of the pattern and catch up on the lessons so far. I can't wait to see what you'll create!

  5. Thank you for making my day by showing my pumpkin on your blogspot. I'm thrilled. I am going to try my hand at different size pumpkins!


    Eileen (Onihook)

