

I FINALLY got around to finishing up that tea set I've been working on since oh... late November. Many of you saw a preview in my December 1 post, "I Hate WIPS." Well, here it is in person... with all 19 pieces completed!

Yes friends, that's:
  • One tea pot with removable lid
  • Four cups
  • Four saucers
  • Creamer
  • Sugar bowl with removable lid
  • Sugar spoon
  • Dessert plate
  • Three petit fours
  • One pretty little mat to show everything off

Now, the question is, am I ever going to be able to make up a second set so that I can get the pattern down on paper?

I suppose that only time (which has not been ample around here lately) will tell. In the mean time, I have submitted the whole thing for the Vanna's Choice Knit and Crochet Competition. I am pretty excited about that and would be floored if I actually make it past the first round... again -- it's all a matter of that whole time thing.

But I promise not to let you all down -- you've been so patient! Now that the design process is over, the patterning part should go more quickly. So, maybe we'll see a pattern before spring?


  1. Wow!! So pretty! You are so brave to embark on all of that! Great work. =)

  2. That is fabulous! What amazing detail, you did a wonderful job on all of it.

  3. wow Karla! that's impressive. the teapot is amazing :)

  4. That is so gorgeous and sure to be a winner!

  5. You are so amazing! I love the whole set. You'd have my vote girlie. Good luck!!!

    Smile; it the second best thing one can do with one's lips. --Author Unknown

  6. Oh, girl, this is beautiful. Sign me up when the pattern is available.

  7. adorable! i love the little spoon :D

  8. this is brilliant never seen anything like it. I would love to try these so the pattern would be welcome well done

  9. You guys are awesome -- thank you for all the kind words. And you will DEFINITELY be the first to know when the pattern is available!

  10. Way to go! Can't wait until the pattern is available. My niece would love this.

