
Great Owl Crochet-Along - All Ears

In my opinion, the ears are the hardest part of the owl pattern because they are just so small. I've found that if your hook has a better point, you're better off, but that is the best help I can offer. Once you do get by that second round, things get a little bit easier because you have more stitches to work with.

If you just aren't able to start with the ring with 4 SC stitches, it's all right to start with a few more. The shape you are going for is like a sugar ice cream cone -- so as long as you increase at the right times, you should get that. For example, you could try this:

Round 1: CH2, 6SC in 2nd CH from hook.
Round 2: SC around.
Round 3: *2SC in first ST, SC in each of next 2 STS. Repeat once from *
Round 4: *2SC in first ST, SC in each of next 3 STS. Repeat once from *

If you do go this way, your owl ears will be a bit bigger, but that could also add to the cuteness factor.

Another option is to forget about the ears completely. Talitha Kuomi (an amazing knit designer who also tested the owl pattern for me) made up this amazing bird:

She was also kind enough to publish her modifications through Ravelry if you are interested in trying this route.

I haven't heard much from the crochet-along participants, so I'm going to take the old "no news is good news" approach. But if you do have any questions, comments or ideas you'd like to share, please give me a shout!

I'll leave you for now with a couple of FO's (or "finished owls," as I like to say) that turned up in the Flikr gallery over the weekend. Enjoy!

Jenbg used pink camo yarn for the body of her owl -- I think it turned out AWESOME!

And Lucy Bad Dog's little pair of owls are made merino and wool crepe with ginned cotton stuffing -- reminding us that even though is acrylic is recommended for amigurumi projects you can have great success with any kind of yarn.

Speaking of Lucy's owls, I'm working on getting her pattern for the little wings and tail feathers and will post here as soon as I can!


  1. I am loving every single owl I see. Can't wait to get home from vacation and start my own little guys.

  2. I totally hear you, Sara! Every time I go to the Flikr gallery, there's something new and wonderful. It's like Christmas every day!

  3. These are looking WONDERFUL! I need to get crack'n! :)

  4. I finally got some time to start on mine! I finished the eyes and ears tonight! I already love this pattern! Very easy to understand! I posted my eyes and ears tonight :)


  5. Carol Anne -- I just popped over and saw them -- love the colors!

  6. Hmmm my ears aren't turning out the same. They are more circular than anything else. What am I doing wrong?

  7. Katyha -- Send me a picture of your ears and I can try to see what's going on for you. My email is ibscrochet (at) gmail (dot) com

