
Help me choose a tag line!

Recently, I've been working with a friend in the marketing biz' to more clearly define The Itsy Bitsy Spider's brand identity. We've almost finished the design for my new business cards, but I've been hung up on a tag line.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, "tag lines" are short statements that help to identify the product or service provided by a business. For example, I used to work for Parker Hannifin, whose tag line is "engineering your success." The Build-A-Bear Company, a store that helps children to customize their own teddy bears, uses the tag line "where best friends are made." And, who hasn't heard McDonalds' "I'm lovin' it."

My friend came up with a whole list of tag lines for The Itsy Bitsy Spider and I'm having a tough time choosing my favorite. That's when I thought "maybe my blog readers and Face Book fans can help!" So, here are my top four:
  1. Little adventures in yarn
  2. Little inspirations in yarn
  3. Once upon a little weaver...
  4. Handmade gifts that inspire the imagination
What do you think? Pick your favorite using the survey on the right side of the screen or add your own suggestions to the comments for this post.

And, thanks for your help!

1 comment:

  1. I voted for four ... but I really like one too! So hard to choose! One is so cute, but four describes more of what you are doing. I can't wait to see what you choose!

