And, in case you missed the treasury, here are links to the individual items:
- Jeremy - A Cunning Mouse by Blueberrydays
- Crochet Tea Set Pattern by KTBDesigns
- Pogo - Dion by Pogoshop
- Godzilla Monster by Lulahoops
- Gulliver the Tree Frog by The Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Marley Hand Knitted Bunny by DollyOBlong
- Pocket Gnome - Orange by Dragonflyshollow
- Peek-a-boo Bunny by SpinningMonkeys
- A Cat and Her Fish Pattern by Mutts
- Microchibus Orbis, cute, little and round. by Ochibo
- Big Bobby by Binkys
- Silas the Fly River Turtle by Katz
Hey! just found this... thank you for putting in my little Ochibo! It is Ochibo's first treasury, they are all blushing with honor :)